Sunday, July 27, 2008

Laziness: An Interior Monologue

So, I've been feeling really lazy lately.  I haven't actually been lazy per se, just feeling like it.  If I had nothing to do, I would be sitting around doing, well, nothing!    

But what causes laziness?  Is it a result of inner peace?  Somehow, I don't think so.  Is it the result of a paralyzing fear that says anything you try to accomplish will result in failure?  Maybe... but that doesn't really explain why I just couldn't bring myself to take out the trash.  I mean, I don't know how many of you have failed at taking out the trash, but in my limited experience, I am undefeated.  

Perhaps what really causes laziness is simply the ability to be lazy.  I can be lazy, therefore I will be.  The trash will still be there tomorrow! 

However, when there are veritable consequences for slothfulness, instantaneously the lackadaisical me becomes industrious.  (Yes, I utilized a thesaurus.)  

Conclusion:  I can be lazy, therefore I am lazy! 

This conclusion is testament to the truth of Mr. Obama's belief that 'Yes, we can!'

"So what's keeping you so busy that you are unable to oblige your lazy (and slightly democratic) tendencies?" 

Well, I have begun dealing with a few very traumatic things. 

The pain ......

woe .....

and suffering...

of packing.
Packing makes me feel like I will never love again.  It is the singular and most vile practice in the western world. (Well, maybe plastic surgery is worse, but packing is a close second then!) I have spent more time today packing that I ever wanted to spend packing in my entire life.  

"How much did you pack today?"

My bedside table.  

"That's it?"

Well, yeah, I was so miserable that I just had to find my happy place.  

I got so lost in joy, 
that I was unable to do anything 
but sit around,
drink beer,
and wish I could be lazy.

And now it's time for bed.



IronMel said...

haha, sean. i can tell your blog is going to be very entertaining.

Nikko28brass said...

Lol. Moving is a pain but I am right there with you babe ;)

Metaphysician_delta said...

I think that you write the most off-the-wall blogs of anyone that I have yet been in the habit of reading. I certainly don't think you need to apologize for your 24-July post--unless, of course, you were serious in the sentiments you expressed. But that would be the pinnacle of absurdity. Right? Anyhow, those of us who try to write seriously, I expect, must recognize that either very few people, if any, take us seriously or else, if many people are taking us seriously, most of them are probably nuts.

By the way, I hope that you and Sheena are not sitting next to one another when you are both writing about how lazy you feel. THAT just strikes me as ridiculous.

Hope things go well with the move.

That picture of the polar bear and the penguin in hilarious.
