Anyway, I have often wondered why a blog is called a blog.
(I could now enter into a monologue about who WAS that person who created an online journal and called it a blog in the first place, but lets just skip over that, since that sort of humor is no longer in 'Vogue') --> *Let your body move to the music!* Thanks Madonna.

So I did some research.
As it turns out, the word 'blog' is a derivative of weblog, or web-log, which back in the good ol' days (1994-1997), was just a term for manually updated components of common websites. Basically, the most popular websites of the day were fed into little web-logs, to be accessed more easily by the masses.
But alas, the poor little 'we' was left behind when, rather than website information, the weblog began hosting personal information. Why? My theory is that the internet is largely an American phenomenon, and Americans are typically lazy in their speech. Therefore weblog was just too long. Thus, the word blog. Since it is so much more easy to say that way. Or should i say, "cause it's easier"?

So who cares? Why is this important? Well... the only reason blogging is important is because now I am blogging, and anything that I do must be important. So now that you all know more about blogs, you can rest assured that blogs are mainstream for I, after all, now have one.
You are rediculous and it makes me love you that much more :) I will always read your blog even if it is nonsense, though I guess I could just talk to you and find this stuff out since we ARE married after all!
So if I want to be sophisticated and not lazy, I should always refer to my "web-log" and not my "blog", is that it?
Welcome to the blogosphere, Sean. (Uh oh, another vocabulary word.)
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