Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm officially a bad blogger.  I leave months between posts, fail to provide any information that is at least mildly interesting for the masses and never clean up after myself.  But at least I leave good tips.  Always 20%. 

That's another thing, my humor doesn't make much sense.  But I think it's funny, and who do think this blog is about anyway?  ME!  So there.  

Sheena (read: the best wife EVER) and I gave the cats flea baths today, that was "fun."  

Why is it that some of my friends (read: Andrea) expect me to be sarcastic and/or witty every time I speak with them (her)?  I don't think of myself as a terribly sarcastic person.  Maybe some of my friends (read: Andrea) just bring it out.  Maybe they (she) is just too innocent and needs a little... twisting.  

If that is the right word. 

I feel fat, I need to work out more effectively. 



Tyler said...

Woot! A new post for the masses! Very epic. Could use maybe some more sarcasm and

And dude, your humor is the best, or maybe rather our combined humor when we are together escalates into the realm of the best. I dunno...

Andrea Smith said...

Ha Now I feel bad. But you have no one to blame but yourself if I was left feeling shocked after receiving my first normal phone message from you ever. I was actually really touched when I listened to it and knew you were missing and thinking of me. I tend to expect the out-of-sight, out-of-mind thing from people, which I totally understand. So, honestly truly, with no sarcasm, thanks for calling and I will see you soon!