You want so badly to be deep. *But* young and ^shallow^, you live, surrounded by plastic. Why desire to be what you are not when everyone already believes you are what you want to be?
You want so badly to be passionate. But cold and loveless, you sit, surrounded by youth. Why desire to be what *you are* not when everyone already believes you are what you want to be?
You want so badly to be rich. But poor and ^and^ *bored*, you stay, surrounded by the ^cold^. Why desire to be what #you are not# when everyone #already# believes that you are #what you# want to be?
You want so badly to be selfless. ^But^ old and ordinary, you look, surround by the poor. Why desire to be what you #can# never #be, no matter what others think#*?*
a higher call ing.
^You^ want
so badly
to be (((a))) poet. But
un original and confused,
you write, surrounded by ------->the ordinary.
you ^trying^ to (((fool)))?
wow :)
very e.e. cummings
neat and thought-provoking.
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