Wednesday, July 30, 2008

This Post is Not Real

I feel like I should post more frequently.  But now is definitely not the time. 

I am much too busy packing while blasting Bjork on my tricked out laptop speakers to be bothered with something as elementary as a blog! 

So sorry, no post today.  


In other news, I have been craving a drum stick.

Hmmmm.... Which one? 


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Laziness: An Interior Monologue

So, I've been feeling really lazy lately.  I haven't actually been lazy per se, just feeling like it.  If I had nothing to do, I would be sitting around doing, well, nothing!    

But what causes laziness?  Is it a result of inner peace?  Somehow, I don't think so.  Is it the result of a paralyzing fear that says anything you try to accomplish will result in failure?  Maybe... but that doesn't really explain why I just couldn't bring myself to take out the trash.  I mean, I don't know how many of you have failed at taking out the trash, but in my limited experience, I am undefeated.  

Perhaps what really causes laziness is simply the ability to be lazy.  I can be lazy, therefore I will be.  The trash will still be there tomorrow! 

However, when there are veritable consequences for slothfulness, instantaneously the lackadaisical me becomes industrious.  (Yes, I utilized a thesaurus.)  

Conclusion:  I can be lazy, therefore I am lazy! 

This conclusion is testament to the truth of Mr. Obama's belief that 'Yes, we can!'

"So what's keeping you so busy that you are unable to oblige your lazy (and slightly democratic) tendencies?" 

Well, I have begun dealing with a few very traumatic things. 

The pain ......

woe .....

and suffering...

of packing.
Packing makes me feel like I will never love again.  It is the singular and most vile practice in the western world. (Well, maybe plastic surgery is worse, but packing is a close second then!) I have spent more time today packing that I ever wanted to spend packing in my entire life.  

"How much did you pack today?"

My bedside table.  

"That's it?"

Well, yeah, I was so miserable that I just had to find my happy place.  

I got so lost in joy, 
that I was unable to do anything 
but sit around,
drink beer,
and wish I could be lazy.

And now it's time for bed.


Friday, July 25, 2008

An Apology and Other News

I feel it necessary to apologize for my last post.  I guess that's what happens when I weblog in the wee hours of the night.  

You know I've always wondered at those select few bloggers (you know who you are) who consistently update their blogs with deep, insightful ideas and meaningful monologues. How in the world do you constantly have so many great ideas?  I guess they simply think more than I do.  Perhaps I just don't have that kind of mind.  But well done you advanced bloggers.  The state of California commends you. 

In other news, this Wednesday is my last day working at the Lake Arrowhead Country Club.  It's funny because my last day there I am tending bar.  I'm not entirely sure why, I guess Mr. Supervisor thought it would be nice to have me do something I have never done on my last day.  Nice guy.  

Good thing I picked up this little gem ------------->

And after my day of perfectly tending bar, Sheena and I move to Los Angeles!  We will be living in Korea Town.  

I look forward to hefting all the delicate and important stuff, while Sheena takes care of everything else.   Everything.

And I still need a job.  That sucks.  But I'm pretty confident in my chances of employment once I get an interview somewhere.  

Hopefully I will be able to avoid working in the food service industry.  But I will serve tables again if I get desperate.  At the moment I'm looking for a more office based/non-profit style job.  

Isn't it funny how pictures can make an ordinary, boring post a little bit more than itself?  It's kind of like music in movies i guess.  

Well, take care fellow members of humanity.  Until next time! 


Thursday, July 24, 2008


Well here we go.  I have now entered the convoluted world of the blog.  Why?  I dunno, I guess I just felt like it. 

Anyway, I have often wondered why a blog is called a blog.  

(I could now enter into a monologue about who WAS that person who created an online journal and called it a blog in the first place, but lets just skip over that, since that sort of humor is no longer in 'Vogue') --> *Let your body move to the music!*   Thanks Madonna.  

So I did some research. 

As it turns out, the word 'blog' is a derivative of weblog, or web-log, which back in the good ol' days (1994-1997), was just a term for manually updated components of common websites. Basically, the most popular websites of the day were fed into little web-logs, to be accessed more easily by the masses. 

But alas, the poor little 'we' was left behind when, rather than website information, the weblog began hosting personal information.  Why? My theory is that the internet is largely an American phenomenon, and Americans are typically lazy in their speech. Therefore weblog was just too long.  Thus, the word blog.  Since it is so much more easy to say that way.  Or should i say, "cause it's easier"?

So who cares? Why is this important?  Well... the only reason blogging is important is because now I am blogging, and anything that I do must be important.  So now that you all know more about blogs, you can rest assured that blogs are mainstream for I, after all, now have one. 
